Technology is everywhere. We have access to technology almost everywhere we go, whether through a phone, tablet, laptop, etc.
With the rise in technology came the rise in e-books, electronic books/images designed to be read on electronic devices. There have been numerous debates on whether printed books are better than e-books, but both have pros and cons.
Let's discuss them!

You can have hundreds of books on one device
Environment friendly
Accessibility with audiobooks (for those with vision impairments)
The process of buying books is quicker
Eye Strain
You can't share e-books
Pirating books
You have to stop reading if you need to charge up

The feeling of holding a book in your hands
Your brain retains words better when you read on paper
You can have a physical collection
You can re-sell your books
You can get a break from technology and blue light
Paper books can come in a variety of styles
Affects the environment
They are not as portable (they take up space and are heavy)
Reading paper books requires a light source
Paper books are usually more expensive

At one point in time, I would only read paper books, both because I lacked the devices to read e-books and the fact that paper books give you a different experience. Now, after a few years of reading e-books and paper books, I think that they both have unique qualities that make them both valuable.
Which version do you prefer?