First Line:
The damp floor of the dungeon made it hard to keep the tiny cuts of cheese on my mini charcuterie board.
Callie is a biologist with an obsession for winged creatures. In her search for a rare mushroom, she falls through a portal and into the arms of an Unseelie Fae prince who is convinced she is an assassin.
Determined to kill her first, he declares three trials that are sure to kill her. If she doesn't die, his unfamiliar feelings for her won't either.
Usually I’m a skeptic for trending books, just because I don’t want to be overhyped and underwhelmed, but the ending of this book made it well worth the read.
At first, I wasn’t sure if I liked it. The beginning sets a very detailed scene and then it’s like you’re suddenly thrown into a new world that's not as intricately woven. I also thought the pacing was a little fast on the relationship between Callie and Mendax, and I wish it had been built up more.
Honestly, I was still hooked from the start!
My Favorite Quote(s):
They had accidentally used my soap on her instead of her own. Gods, did I like the way she smelled with me all over her.
“I would destroy anyone for you . . . anyone including myself,” he whispered, slowly reaching out to cup the side of my neck in his hand. “Every fiber of you has desecrated me wholly.” His voice cracked hoarsely. “The buttery texture of your skin has burned me with every touch. It’s all I think about. I-I am consumed by thoughts of you day and night.” His soft confession flowed from him in a plea.
“How does it feel?” he said, breathing heavily. “To know that I love you and that you have doomed me? That you and only you have the power to disarm and debilitate me. That you, a human, have dismantled every part of me and rebuilt it as a shrine in your honor.”
Page Count
361 Pages
Date Finished:
November 26, 2023
Book Genre:
Fantasy, Romance, Fantasy Romance, Fae, Dark, Fiction, Adult, Magic, Paranormal Romance, Paranormal