Writing book reviews has become my hobby this past year, mainly because of this blog and my love for reading. As an author, I know how important it is for reviews. Some would hope for only good reviews, but even bad reviews have a place when written well.
I am a culprit when it comes to writing reviews based more on my emotions than what the book was about, or how the author wrote it. Lately, I have learned how to write reviews that express how I feel without putting the author down. I also try to include things that the author can improve on.

With any book review, I think that it's important to include information about the book rather than to write only with emotion. The following are some questions I like to answer when I'm reviewing. I hope they aid you in giving thoughtful reviews!
Was the plot intriguing? Were there any holes you noticed? Was there a plot twist, and if so, was it predictable?
How was the writing style? Did it flow easily, or was it a bit awkward and clunky? Was it unique?
Were you rooting for/against some characters? Why? How were their personalities? Were their thoughts and feelings believable/relatable? Did their conversations seem impactful and real?
Do you think the story went by too fast? Too slow? Were there pages you skipped to get to good parts?
So think about it this way, while you're reading it's a good opportunity to analyze the plot, characters, writing style, and speed of the book. Happy reading! ❤️